Farming Simulator 19 – Map First Impression – Texas Rowena

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New Farmer game-mode starter buildings, vehicles and equipment.

Buildings: PMC Farm Silo Large 10.7 million liters. PMC Farm Silo Extension 1 million liters. CBJ Midwest 72×150 White Shed. Giants Easy Shed 2.

Vehicles: Fendt 313 Vario with narrow tires. Case Optum 300 CVX with wide tires and weights. Massey Ferguson MF Activa 7347 S.

Equipment: Massey Ferguson FreeFlow 7.6m. Agroliner TAW 30. Capello Diamant HS8 6m. Lemken Titan 18 4.9m. Horsch Tiger 6 DT 6m. Horsch Pronto 9 DC 9m. Lemken Azurit 9 6m. Lemken Solitair 23 2000 liters. Kuhn Deltis 1302 MTA3 21m. Kuhn PF 1500 1500 liters. Bredal K105 with spreader extension.

Product Pallets: 4 seed pallets, 4 fertilizer pallets, 2 lime pallets, 2 herbicide tanks.

This above list of stuff allows you to kickstart your farm without any frustration because you are missing some essential item, you have all basic crop farming aspects covered here. Its now up to you if you can take the these vehicles plus 100,000 of money and conquer the whole terrain 🙂

Fields smallest: 0.272 ha, largest 111.427 ha.

#FarmingSimulator19 #FS19 #FirstImpression



  1. Those lines are like that in real life, if you google maps the area and zoom in, they show up, then go to street view, the place is flat but the patterns are still there

  2. Nice review again… similar appearance and style of the previous map from this author… in this map, it uses the scaling for the weight and gdm files of a 4k x 4k map (4x) so it will still have the jaggys and lower resolution on the ground painting as the other map did. This is readily apparent when viewing straight runs in the dirt roads, field edges and such… Also it appears the field definitions had less care than needed when they were created, the NPC farmers plant haphazzard swatches of crop in the fields, not conforming at all to the field boundaries… The working doors on the buildings in the pack versus the GE placed ones involves editing the animatedObjects info from the placeable buildings into the animatedObjects.xml file in the map… however, as this map does not have that file, it shows that the buildings are not set up at all to have animated doors. Having a nice, real world dem is awesome on a map, but, the other details must be present as well, otherwise it severely lacks the followthrough. I agree as to the silos as well, again, a realistic map terrain and fantasy land silos… no realism at all with those. The sellpoints are also awful… a "magic" hole in the ground where everything goes… totally unrealistic. I really do like maps such as this one that use realistic terrain data… it brings a map to life… this one has so much potential, it will be interesting to see it with the mentioned improvements applied… Thanks for taking the time to do these great reviews!

  3. When making maps I find it helpful to place several different objects in the area im working. Say a barn, house , truck, Tractor hay bale ect. Use the objects to help judge scale fir fields,farms and such. And remember with Giants everything is bigger in game. A 100 meter rise in land seems like the grand canyon in game.

  4. Damn it was hoping for a good Texas map this one is ok it just seems so empty I know Texas is big but we are not empty well? some places are?and how are there no fuel points this is Texas come on?

  5. With the extra building not being able to open doors, did you try buying the land. I have noticed in some maps you can't interact with buildings unless you own the land they are on.

  6. Well I've now watched both reviews. and first and foremost Mr. Farmer Klien do you know what W.I.P. mean's? Both map down load pages clearly state they are Work In Progress maps and not finished products. But hey lets do a review and not mention once that it's a W.I.P. map then complain about what it don't have for it to be good map! Well DAH it's not done yet!!!

  7. The only change i would like to see made to this map is using its own xml files for crop pricing and yields. It uses the default files which you can change to do so but it messes multi up.

  8. If this based on the actual area of the town of Rowena Texas it is a pretty flat area. It is just west of the Texas Hill county. Just 10 miles east of here you would be lucky to find 100 acres of farmable land in an area this size.

  9. Where I lived in Montana there was only one place to sell grain within 100 miles.
    As for the game though, I want as many sell points as possible to add some competitive pricing

  10. Looking at street view in google earth and the area around Rowena is pretty much flat as a pancake, weird they work the fields in that pattern.


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