Farming Simulator League – Season 3: First FSL Online Tournament


The Farming Simulator League is back and held some surprises in the first online tournament of the season. Watch the full tournament now!

Tournament Report:

00:00 Season 3 Presentation
14:54 Krone vs Bednar – Quarterfinals
1:02:11 Lindner vs Corteva Agriscience – Quarterfinals
1:47:24 mYinsanity vs Trelleborg – Quarterfinals
2:34:18 John Deere vs Valtra – Quarterfinals
3:21:21 Krone vs Corteva Agriscience – Semifinals
4:07:01 Trelleborg vs John Deere – Semifinals
4:54:21 Corteva Agriscience vs Trelleborg – Finals

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  1. The multiplier is too small on the screen. Increase the font size.
    There are entirely too many variant power ups & boosts, and I missed a clear explanation?
    There are are entirely too many different possible point values when unloading the top and bottom, with no clear explanation in sight.
    Equipment without a driver makes it impossible to know which team we're looking at?
    The map is better looking. The bottom left legend is nice. The ghost opponent machines is a nice touch.


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