How To Store Productions | Farming Simulator 22


In this video I show you a great way to store your production pallets in Farming Simulator 22.

#farmingsimulator #productions #fs22

Pallet Storage And Logistics by johnwayne1930

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Ending music: High Octane from



  1. Just what I'm looking for, thanks as always!!! Now can someone tell me how to make "cane sugar" for the candy store? lol. I check and all I get is how to make regular sugar.

  2. I watched this video a few months after you released. I really do love the convenience of this mod however, I wish they’d update it for new productions/maps. I’m loving Iowa plains right now but it really is a pain in the ass to move cornbread manually. Lol

  3. This isnt grabbing my eggs from my big chicken coop (5000 mod one) my eggs just keeppilikg up in the coop. Is it because I'm using a mod? Does it work with chicken coops? Please help.

  4. this was confusing at first, but this video helped me understand, imo distributing should make it come out of the pallet warehouse not storing but I know how it works now

  5. What will happen if you have a mill, bakery and warehouse, and you will set distributing in your mill? Will the flour go to warehouse or will it go to bakery? We should be able to select these.

  6. Great vid thanks you. If you put a Multi fruit silo next to your greenhouses, fill with seeds etc. it saves refilling greenhouses everyday, then put greenhouses to distribute, and it saves me so much time

  7. How can this mod distinguish between products for storage and products for further processing? For example, I want to deliver my flour to the bakery, my fabric to the tailors and my raisins to the cereal factory. This mod seems to grab everything. Anyone else seen this, or does anyone have a workaround?

  8. Well the updat fixed the endless pallets but the mod is still broken. It doesn't store anything. Even if you have the distribution inactive it still does it and that was the only way I could get it to store pallets without them being spawned. Hope this gets fixed….

  9. I saw this storage Warehouse on DJ's channel and I wanted to know more about it because I wanted to know if it was available for console because the other production storage pack wasn't too complicated but was just too many buildings to place down for all the production factories and it would probably take up a lot of slots.
    Plus it really didn't seem sensible to put down multiple buildings when you can just put down one.
    I am certainly going to use this because on 19 it was a missed opportunity on consoles and plus the barn on your main farm gets a little glitchy and laggy with all those different palettes.

  10. Don’t think this mod works I put stuff into it and I can’t get it out . I was dropping pallets of and it just came right out on other side like u said but now it took it and can’t get nothing out I have it on Storing if I have missed something can someone fill me in thanks

  11. So you have to set it on distributing to actually store it but once you have another factory that uses that product then it would actually distribute it ?

  12. DON’T USE Pallet Storage And Logistics!!!
    If you do hard save first, it didn’t work right from the start, first it spawned the pallets just as fast as I was putting them in, second it caused my greenhouses to continuously spawn produce from my green house weather I turned it off, changed the settings, or changed produce. Third the warehouses kept spawning the same products and the total inside never changed. Even after I deleted the warehouses and greenhouses, I tried rebuilding my greenhouses and they’re glitched. Need a lot of fixing. You’ll have to restart your map if don’t hard save first.

    P.S. I’ve switched to sheep now.


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