NEW MODS | BIG BUD UPGRADE! (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 21st Jan 2021 PS5.


NEW MODS | BIG BUD UPGRADE! (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 21st Jan 2021 PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Garage 11×3,5×6 + Cowshed With A Garage By: Wojtas_ZACHO, Liquid Chemical Tank For Manure System By: Vanjage22, Slate Roof Buildings By: Cityfarmer, Bergmann HTW 65 By: Lexik/agrarmodding/Agrartechnick Nordeifel & Big Bud 16V-747 By: JHHG Modding.

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  1. Has anyone on xbox had any problems accessing the animal pens tab while in game? I can open every tab except that one. It started after I downloaded the big fields map and deleted the animals on the farm. I've uninstalled the map and save but I still can't access my animal pens tab..any help would be appreciated

  2. Can you do a video of how to make a haulage company please because I can actually understand what your saying un like some you tubers but can you do it only with PS4 mods

  3. Hey Mr. Sealy P! Just an FYI I think that the Bergman trailer update added the ability to raise and lower one of the axles. Because I notice the one I have installed doesn't have a active axle.

    Keep up the great work, I watch all of your videos and enjoy them all! ?

  4. missed oppurtunity mrsealyp. when you introdused the 747 it should be done in your best clarkson impression "this is the biggest tracktor (pause for drama) in the world"

  5. Thank you MANTRID for and the ? extinguishers for wood chips. I cannot wait to use it for my wood chip farm save. Thank you for the update and listening to your fans! I cant wait to see what else you create.

  6. Big Bud 747 is back again on William’s Brothers farm and currently being used on the field. It was retired because no one was manufacturing the proper tires for it but thankfully Titan tires decided to build a custom version of those massive LSW 1400 for the 747. So it is commissioned back again on the farm. Welker brothers have a couple videos on the re-tiring of the bud.

  7. That first building is a waist graphics not good the same with the second mod building with the cows standing like a statue doing nothing .what is this kindergarden for console no no no bad mod.big bud thumbs up no other game changers again another week gone no game changers!!!!come on giants catle and crops catching up!!!!


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