New Mods! TLX 3500 Crew Cab, Monster Truck, & Cotton Trailers! (2 Mods) | Farming Simulator 22


New Mods! TLX 3500 Crew Cab, Monster Truck, & Cotton Trailers! (2 Mods)
New Mods & Updates FS22 – Farming Simulator 22
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Total Mods – 2
All Platforms – 1 New, 1 Update

0:00 – Intro
0:08 – Mod List
0:29 – TLX 3500 Series
11:20 – McCormack Cotton Trailers
13:34 – Outro

#FarmingSimulator #NewMods #ModReview

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  1. To change kph to mph, go to it’s been a while since it might be different idk the settings where you can change you’re time, ect in the game, then speed

  2. ??? I like David he's like another second father to me he keeps adding stuff to his vehicles or even his new works in progress and he makes the community happy, I asked myself and sometimes even him that why does he continue to update and and add new stuff to old vehicles and not start a new project and this is not in a mean way this is just with a smile and saying that I'm happy with what I get and that you don't need to put a lot of effort into making me happy.
    Then I tell him with a smile that he doesn't really have to continue adding new stuff even though a lot of people want this or that you don't have to give in to everything I tell because we are fine with what we get we enjoy it, but he insist that he cannot sit still and he continues what he loves and I guess that makes him happy and me happy as well unless the mod doesn't work properly which I wait a few weeks or even a day without complaining that it'll get fixed.
    I learned as a child an adult you can't have everything and you have to be fine with what you get , but sometimes there are times you can get what you want if you have the time and money or if you've already gotten over time the stuff.

  3. So question, I downloaded a map that dropped like two days ago , can't remember which one, anyway now I have beef, chicken and pork I can sell but problem is, don't I need a slaughterhouse before I can get the meat to sell ?
    I can sell it at the wholesale sell place only, not at grocer restaurants or anything else , no production chain here ?
    Be nice to know ? Thanks

  4. The beadlocks do actually show on the spiked wheels but they hover just off the inside of the rim and if you put the red beadlocks you can see very easily


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