NO CRASHES TODAY! FS22 | NEW MODS! | (Review) Farming Simulator 22 | PS5 | 4th February 2022.


NO CRASHES TODAY! FS22 | NEW MODS! | (Review) Farming Simulator 22 | PS5 | 4th February 2022. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb to download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Selfmade Weight By: [PolyCount]Taz, Liquid Manure Tank By: SP-Modding, Lizard Self-Made Trailer By: KaWa, Lizard R300/R400 By: BartsoNv3, AMAZONE ED 3000 By: madarHR, Schlüter 2500 VL By: MTL Modding Team & New Holland L95 Fiatagri By: SeviModding (AM MODDING).


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  1. I had crashes this morning on PS4, I think it was the Calmsden update that kept making the game crash, because I could play on Elmcreek and the game would not crash.

  2. Man, these crashes are no joke. Glad I'm not alone. The worst part is I can't relax while playing. I'm neurotically pausing after every task is complete…and half the time THAT causes the crash. So now it's just an accepted evil that one out of the ten jobs I do today will have to be redone.

    Tho on the positive side, i made some horrible purchases I've regretted and a crash saved me. ?

  3. Was hoping the New Holland Fiat agri might have the Ford logo for the side but no, ah well still a nice looking early New Holland tractor, another great mod review keep em coming Mrsealyp.

  4. I'm sad that this game didn't/hasn't done as well as the previous….but they dropped the ball on this one:( I know more people playing 19 then 22 these days. Doesn't change the fact your vids are still awesome sir!

  5. Dear Mr. SealyP,
    You made my day when you mentioned about: I heard it through the grapevine.
    Ho boy, nostalgic moments went through my mind. ❤️
    I wish you a great drive on FS22 with some Marvin Gaye or CCR along the way.

  6. I tryed to play today dispite not able to download my DLCs after 4 months. Game crashed after 15minits of play ?.
    Glad you had some luck on youre side MrSealyP.
    Thanks so much for speeking our against Giants and for putting youre best efforts forward on making great Videos.

  7. I think it might have been DJGoHam that mentioned about the crashes, something to do with a game bug that causes store crashes and while it's not related to a mod in particular certain mods do seem to highlight the issue. That was why the TLX2020 was initially released as a Crossplay mod then switched to PC only, the mod itself is fine something in it highlights the game bug, sounds like it should be fixed by the 1.3 game patch though!

    Great review as always, MrSealyP! I do like that New Holland / Fiat tractor and it's great to see a mod from PolycountTaz up there on the ModHub too!

  8. I was taught by my driving instructor in the 70s to wiggle the gear lever before starting the engine. I think the official government driving guide also told you do the same.


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