SAD NEWS ABOUT DENNIS! – Survival Roleplay S3 | Episode 47


Some bad news about Dennis…

Welcome back to my game mode which I like to call ‘Survival Roleplay’.
This is Farming Simulator 19

For mod credits please go to the end of this video.

Music and SFX by Epidemic Sound
Vector Images by Pixabay

#farmingsimulator19 #survivalroleplay #fs19



  1. That's actually not that bad. After the last episode I had a weird feeling that Dennis was gonna commit suicide. But I also knew that would be a bit dark for an FS19 series lol so this is definitely a better storyline

  2. @23:00 ugh how can a damned farming sim playthrough be so darned emotional … saw this one comming and its for the best but damn have we grown to love you over the years Dennis, you and that rickety wooden muck spreader

  3. hi daggerwin please can u tell me when the rest of Survival Roleplay S3 | Episodes are coming i have watched them all upto 47 and would like to know when the rest are coming thanks chris keep up the great work

  4. i think you should quit everything else and just focus on this series it hits very different rather then the other videos 100% always checking to see if the next episode is out because it’s so good?

  5. Aww daggerwin that proper choked me up

    Dennis has been there since the start and was always there to lend a hand “and a grumpy smile” he will be missed in this series more Han you will ever know thank you for this series it has helped me to cope with lots of hard stuff happening atm havin a constant to hold onto like his series has been a godsend

    Thank you sir for all your hard work and keep it up

  6. You should invite Dennis to come and live on the farm with you he can do some small work maybe
    Its better than being put into a home
    I like Dennis he's a been a big part of your journey

  7. I was caught by the graphic, I had one of three thoughts. Dennis died, Dennis sold farm and moved, Dennis was arrested as John's accomplice. I wondered about Dennis health issues, since I came late to the series I didn't realize it was Dementia as commented on many times here. Having a father go down that path and still as a society not really handling the issue all that well, it hit me a bit hard today. Good job Daggerwin. you are handling the topic well as can be expected. It's hard to balance helping someone who has no idea their mind is slipping, with the respect the deserve to handle their own affairs like an adult. Dementia is a difficult affliction most all of us will have to deal with in one aspect or another.


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