When is FS 21 coming out? – Farming Simulator 21 Release Date | News


Now that we are entering November, we would normally be seeing a brand-new Farming Simulator game! Following the patterns where the games go from mobile to PC and Console, we would normally be expecting to see a new Farming Simulator game around this time. This year we would have been seeing Farming Simulator 21, otherwise known as FS 21. But for reasons we will talk about later, we will not be seeing FS 21 be released on the normal November release date, like Farming Simulator 19 was. So that brings the question, when will Farming Simulator 21 be released. So, today we will be going over the FS 21 release date, when FS 21 is coming out and even when you will be able to download Farming Simulator 21.

That leads us nicely onto the next topic. So, when will Farming Simulator 21 release? We obviously do not have a certain release date for FS 21, but we can estimate fairly accurately. So let us break it down, Farming Simulator 19 released in late November 2018. We can assume, using this information that FS 21 will be released on…

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What Is Farming Simulator 19?

All in all, Farming Simulator 2019 is a modern agricultural game, which provides access for you to look after the animals, grow various vegetables, buy or repair tractors, combines, cars and much more. Fs 19 is farming simulator 19 but shortened down so the next time you see fs 19 or fs19 just remember it means farming simulator 19 or farming simulator 2019!

Even though the newest Farming Simulator 2019 games have been released just now, newest rumours between fans started spreading about FS 2019 Xbox money mod but as there isn’t any news about exact Farming Simulator 2019 seasons 19 and course play release date but here is the fs 19 or farming simulator 19 mod news!!!

Farming Simulator 19 will be released late 2018 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. While we are currently working on assembling the game’s first visual pieces, we bring you today the very first in-game image, as a taste of everything Farming Simulator 19 will have in store when it releases!

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The largest agriculture machinery company in the world comes to Farming Simulator 19!

We are happy to finally unveil the highly anticipated John Deere brand, joining the largest garage ever in a Farming Simulator game.

Farming Simulator 20 will feature, at launch, three distinct open worlds in which to develop and expand your farm, in solo or with friends: two entirely new environments will soon be revealed, as well as an all-improved version of the South American environment, which has been overhauled to take advantage of the new engine’s capabilities.

#Farmingsimulator21 #fs21 #Farmingsimulator2021 #LS21

Check Out: “The BEST Mods IN Farming Simulator 19”


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  1. I love Farming Sim but the thing that always annoyed me was the 2 year release cycle. It meant if I wanted to make fresh content I had to buy the new title. But I always felt like they rushed the release of a new title just to get it out there, so I’m actually glad they’re “delaying” the release of the new title to see what they can do with the new consoles. I’m a true fan and I just want the new game to release but it will be worth the wait especially with the capability of these newer consoles ?

  2. Bro thanks for the great info, however stop repeating yourself. You sat there saying the same thing over and over in like 30 seconds intervals. Just say what you're trying to say and you'll get more viewer retention.


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