“DUTCH COLONY” NEW MOD MAP! Farming Simulator 19 PS5 MAP TOUR (Review) FS19.


“DUTCH COLONY” NEW MOD MAP! Farming Simulator 19 PS5 MAP TOUR (Review) FS19. Map by: Dutchfield. New to Console! GIANTS Software. What do you start with on New Farmer? What do you start with in Farm Manager and Start from Scratch modes? How many slots does it use? What features stand out? All these questions and more, answered with me… MrSealyp.

Required Mods: – Crop Storage (By: [DMI]20mmNormandy)
– LIZARD BioGasPlant (By: Fullpowershift)



Instagram: @mrsealyp

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  1. Sorry, maybe I missed the mention.
    Is there no manure points at the cow farms? Just the first one? Everything else is slurry?
    Otherwise…..love the look of the map, might give it a go later today.

  2. Hi there another awesome review. Yesterday i played a little bit on that map. That storage pit i filled up water tank looks like from it but maybe catch up that ditch. Strange a little bit but water tank was parked after that storage pit far away from water ditch

  3. I played this map again, choose farm manager it’s works! Hiring helper, plowing field, harvest field number 5 canola ( sell point for canola $3000+ ) made addition $340000, you’ll have buy land and farming equipment expand your farm.

  4. Had a play around it and everything seems to work fine when starting from farm manager mode. Yards could do with a few less sheds, tough to maneuver bigger equipment around the yard.

  5. In honour of SealyEG I most definitely "smashed that like button, my dude"!! Glad to hear she's doing alright, albeit swamped with the A-levels, and cheers for the map tour as always MrSealyP!

    As maps go this isn't really my cup of tea being a large and mostly flat map, but bearing that in my mind I think Dutchfield has done a wonderful job of making it look interesting and feel alive. Lots of good starting locations, definitely multiplayer friendly and also good potential for creating your own farm by converting a field!

  6. Mrsealyp you do very well Your Dutch pronunciation is just fine mate!
    At least you try, and it is in fact not bad at all farm jokes We say in the Netherlands: Dikke bak met Bieten
    We say in the Netherlands: varkens koeien geiten paarden trekker boeren baby,s , we are nabors Mrsealyp
    it is a koel kaart ,Cool kaart
    Good to hear SealyEG is doing fine! Hope she passes the A level exams with glamour ?? and Colors
    cows say moe a sheep say beh horse say hihi farm wife say dinner is ready if your to late you have a dog at your plate We say in the Netherlands hond op je bord , the dog have eaten your food .

  7. Hello Mr SealyP , another great maptour thumbs up. Always nice to see a map of the country you live in.
    I wish SealyG the best of luck with her exams, hope that she’s gone pass all het tests with positive outcome. Would be nice to see you both on a let’s play is great fun to watch

    Wish you and your family the best keep healthy en keep giving us great videos

    Thank you
    Greeting Arnhem Farmer
    From the Netherlands ?


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