RASSVET #16 / SMUGGLERS!! / Farming Simulator 19 PS5 Let’s Play FS19.


RASSVET #16 / SMUGGLERS!! / Farming Simulator 19 PS5 Let’s Play FS19. Map by: Den Ben. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. I have a few jobs to do, including a lucrative fertilising contract. This gets interrupted by an important phone call! There’s more of course…

Music (if used) is from YouTube and Sharefactory’s free libraries.

Mods used: Precision Farming By: GIANTS Software, Lizard 5557/4320-60 Farmer + Lizard 4320-60 UST-5453 By: Axary, UN-053 Wheel Loader By: Mr.Dinamit88/TherOcsy, Lizard 17221-21 + KBM 10.8PS + GVS 6U By: RusAgroTeh, Lizard 445DTC By: 50keda, John Deere Gator 6×4 By: BlackSheep Modding, K-258 + ChMZAP 5523 By: Karl911, Concrete Blocks Pack By: FsM Creations, Bizon Z056 By: DanioMods, MMZ-768B By: FSSA Modding Team, Lizard Mazur 6/1100 By: maciusboss1/Matt26, Rau Unisem MS4/MS6, Pottinger LW 15 By: AgrarDesignAustria (BGamer003), Front Lifter By: Peppe978, Triple Axle Toy Hauler By: Lance, Ursus C355/C355M/C360 4×4 By: Driver300/Gracjan26, Cutting Bar Set By: Polofreak211/ GnomAtom/privatprivat, Garden Hose By: grasslandMods, Lizard D882 By: Ostry/Kasztan18, Lizard 232 By: Bear Farm/IGORyaN, Grimme SL 80-22 Quantum AL-X By: TopAce888, HW80 Wood Trailer By: Kamilos0397, Case W20E By: SleutjesModding, Cotton Pack Brazil By: Connect Modding, RYC ONE 6M + Lizard Livestock Trailer By: raulycristi1 (VSR Modding Sur),



Instagram: @mrsealyp

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  1. Anything missing from lorry is because u left the back open and if u put things away in.a shed and lock it away then it's won't get stolen maybe there friends of the people who live on luckas Island and its pay back from stuff u stolen there

  2. The yield in the PF menu it the yield of the last harvest. I should change as soon as you harvest the soy beans.
    The crap steer is not only keeping the wheels away from you crop, it also distributes the weight of the machine much better. If all wheels go in one straight line all six wheels force their weight on the same ground. In crap steer the fron wheels have their own line as well as the second and third axle, so the soil compaction is reduced. Does that make sense?

  3. You sure do love your landy. I don’t blame you, we have a experience center about 20 minutes from me. One of only 3 in the US, I’m in Vermont. I’ve only done it once but It’s a load of fun!

  4. For a telehandler I've been using the John Deere 4500 which looks older. Being nice and compact if there isn't one local you could hide it in a container marked Gumbi.

  5. Potential new adventures I would suggest are: Millennial farms, you've watched the channel so why not play as the character you've enjoyed so much. Ravensberg, it has seasons and factories (different from what you've played). South parana, new crops and a different type of landscape from other maps.
    Of course choice is up to you. I'll watch anyway.

  6. Gray-area transportation is one of our specialities at Feld-Corp Logistic Solutions and thus we pride ourselves in our ability to get the things you need to the places you need them with the minimum of legal fuss and bother for you!

    I mean, it's not illegal when there's an officially approved customs document to prove it and everything guv! Sure maybe we omitted the minor detail that those wheels (with tyres), mechanical parts and wotnot were being shipped in a suspiciously Landrover shaped package but all's well that ends well right?!

    Cracking episode as ever, MrSealyP, the sound of sheer joy in your voice as you took the Landy out for a spin was brilliant! I'm sort glad I wasn't the only one having a right mare getting the pallets and such in and out of the lorry there.. the number of times I tipped that port-a-loo over you wouldn't believe!

    Also, best of luck with that beet contract.. crikey only 5% delivered with an almost 50k litre load!? That'll probably mean close to 20 loads to get the whole thing done and dusted!

  7. just started this map yesterday im laughing having a good time i got stuck in the mud in a few places not sure how they did it but road conditions seem good i mean pavement zoom dirt slip slide lumber along bouncing over dips and ruts nothing like getting a combine stuck hahaha

  8. I’m getting slightly worried about how often you dream of this game ?

    “You can’t steal from me” he says, getting his landrover smuggled into the country.

  9. I will suggest a New Challenge, do the new Grass Lands map, with no mod's, only base game and expansion equipment, place able Mod's are okay. I leave it to your discretion as far as money and starting equipment go. but the challenge is to start with no land, playing in Hard mode, and ending with owning all the lands. Good Luck if you try it.

  10. To honour this day an old Land Rover 90 with grey tarpaulin cover over bed and with an huge sign "Warning" and beacons, driving on "my" small county road here in Sweden in front of a New Holland CR10.90 combine with header on trailer. 😀 More people than usual on streets in Rassvet? It was probably undercover officers from Ukrainian Customs?! Be aware MrSealyP! Haha!

  11. Hi MrSealyP, happy Thursday! Enjoying this Rassvet series, as well as your Lukah’s Island series. I really love how you add in the various printed documents into the videos from time-to-time as you’ve done, it really is a very nice touch relative to your awesome gift for ‘story telling’. If/when you do ‘close up shop’ so to speak on either/both of the Rassvet and/or Lukah’s Island series to move on to something else (perhaps something where you’re using lots of the new large equipment that you mentioned wanting to do), I’m looking forward to seeing what/where you choose – I’m sure it’ll be great – as all MrSealyP productions always are in my opinion. Hope things go smoothly with getting the new oven delivered & installed etc.


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