MASSIVE PLANS! GRAPE EXPLOSION | Survival Challenge | Farming Simulator 22 – EP 75


Welcome back to a BRAND NEW SERIES of Survival Challenge for Farming Simulator 22

My Affiliate links:
PC Download Version –
PC Version –
Antonio Carraro Pack –


Kramer KL 200

Isaria Drill

PLN Plows

Lemken D24

Alien Jim’s Packages

John Deere 1630

John Deere 6300

Classic 2 Row Planter

Small PH Sugar Beet Harvester

3M Lizard Fertilizer Spreader


John Deere 250 Sprayer

Gallignani 9250 SL Baler

6VS 6U Windrower



FiatAgri 180 90

Valtra T120 – T190

Case Magnum

New Holland 70 Series

Maple Syrup Production

Cheap John Deere Drill

Water Hose

John Deere Balers

John Deere 8000

Music by Epidemic Sound



  1. YESSS! COWS WITH MANURE! Ive been screaming at you for not getting the manure pasture for 30 episodes!! Finally the damn expensive solid f wont have to be tediously carried all the way from the shop in its clunky packaging!!!! Thank you!

  2. 16:16 My parents raise sheep in Texas and they are actually REALLY inexpensive to raise irl. They do fine eating grass but if you get them sheep feed they don't need much of it; ewes have lambs safely with no outside help, they procreate fast (5x in 3 years I think); if sheep get injured (almost never) they almost never require help to heal, they drink almost no water, they never seem to get sick so you don't need to vaccinate them (unless there is a case of rabies found within a certain range or maybe if you're going to sell them). The hardest thing about raising sheep is that you do have to worry about predators eating their lambs. Cows are literally the opposite of all those things.


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