Farming Simulator 22 (Confirmed Features!) | Weather, New Soil, License Plates, Maps & More!! – #1


Get Ready for the NEW Farming Simulator game!! In this video I talk about everything we know so far including things you may not have seen. FS22 is coming out Q4 of 2021.

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Prepare for new crops, new maps, new machines, new brands and more. Oh, and it’s getting snowy, too: The addition of seasonal cycles is also included – as well as other features to be announced soon!

Two new maps plus an updated Erlengrat map will allow for different kinds of farming operations. More than 400 machines and tools from more than 100 authentic agricultural brands including new machine categories will make agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry even more fun than ever.

In short: Farming Simulator 22 will offer more depth thanks to a big variety of new additions and more freedom than ever before.

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  1. I’ve got tired of how clean this game replicates real farming, clean spotless machinery, in a polished machine screened concrete yard, you need mud,you need water, you need hand tamped concrete yards, Giants must not realise, why farmers wear wellies.

  2. License plates OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP,,,,,guys likes to eat license plates? BIG FUCKING DEAL LOL

  3. If the game will not have dynamic ground it will be worthless like fs19. Can't enjoy a game that is called simulator and does not reflect reality at all.

  4. Get over yourself claiming you made features for the new game by discussing it in older videos. Done with your trash content. Thumbs down on anything by you that ever comes across my feed.

  5. i just hope the maps are bigger. i find that the standard maps in all the previous games are too small, especially with all the big seeders and such that has been added over the years, like for me there is no incentive to use the big seeder from the bourgault pack on any of the base game maps as it is simply too big for the fields and maps in general

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