Farming Simulator 22 Downloadable Content on it's Way?? Farm Sim Weekend Update


What do you think will be in the First Farming Simulator 22 DLC?
||||||||||||||||||………… 59% ⭐ New Brand to the series
||||||||||……………….. 32% ⭐ Mix mash of new vehicles
|||……………………… 10% ⭐ Similar Function equipment

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This video looks at all the latest mods and new for Farming Simulator 22 and we’re also talking about when and what we’ll see in the first Farming Simulator 22 DLC pack.

||||||||||||||| 102% ||||||||||||||| 102K/100K
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Extra Tags: Farming Simulator 22 Downloadable Content on it’s Way?? Farm Sim Weekend Update

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  1. I would love to see older equipment, like Oliver's or yanmar with belly mount attachments for tobacco. Mainly what you see in the game is big and new equipment, I've been farming all my life and I know it's just a game but I would like to see some smaller and older stuff.

  2. Well would love to pay for mods i want but i don't believe giants needs to be paid hell they made the makes money for online. Dlc probably be mish mash of junk,or repeat items.

  3. Frankenmuth is great map. The map is flat with squared fields from small to large. It is better than Elm Creek in my opinion. Have a great day!

  4. I’d love to see some realistic American sheds and some big tillage equipment. Stop with all the 4m and smaller cultivators and plows. The game’s been out for 2 months now and there’s more than enough of them. Stop with all of the trailers. They’re all the same types of trailers even though they’re different manufacturers. Just stop with all the same stuff. Ironically you can have all of that stuff repeatedly along with a plethora of Pumas, yet we can’t get a good AGCO 1000 series bc there’s already one in the game(garbage mod). Heck a nice row crop Fendt 900 Vario series would be nice, but there’s already one in the game ??. A nice shop be nice.

  5. I'd like to see some sort of flower garden, like seeds to plant your own where you want, added to greenhouses, or even (idea from Calmsden) a working allotment with small plots and specialized equipment. Could be a mutual benefit association with bee hives.

  6. A lot of new Holland stuff would be good like tm packs 7840 8340 old t7 220 and blue power

    And a lot more jcb forklifts different types of the Argi pro and extra

    More uk maps and uk registration plates
    Need to have some different breeds of animals and cows

  7. South Louisiana is a GREAT map, download the newest version as they are working out some small bugs. still some minor ones in it, but they added rice, carrots, rye, and millet.

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