Farming Simulator 22 News – Production Chain Breakdown


Today we learn a bit more about the different types of production that will be included on day one of Farming Simulator 22’s release on Nov 22nd. 2021. Join me on a journey as I break down the information.

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  1. These chains are imo a very good ide, However there is a VERY BIG IF involved here if players will actully use them or if this is gonna be a compleatly worthless system. The more complex the chain is there needs to be a very clear profit increase for each additional stage over just selling the base product. for example: for the greenhouse u only need water to produce lettuce, tomatos and strawberrys with water practicly free it´s pure profit apart from buying the building. But lets expand to Cake. U now need flour from the Grain mill that needs 1 grain crop to produce flour, strawberrys from the greenhouse, Egg´s from chickens, Suger from the sugermill that need sugercane or sugerbeats to produce suger and Butter from the Dairy that needs milk to produce the butter and all of that comes together to make Cake. The profit u get for selling that cake MUST be very clear and also noticably higher then what u would get by selling all of those raw products or intermidiate products combined. From the looks of it cake looks like the most complex chain and if it turns out that selling cake over the base products only nets u around let´s say 7-10% profit increase then it´s worthless becouse keep in mind that u must also spend money to buy each building in that chain. That being the Greenhouse, Dairy, Sugermill, Grain mill and Bakery and u also need Cows for milk and chickens for eggs. While we dont know the price of these buildings odds are that all of this combined and the needed equipment for all of this are gonna be REALLY expensive. I would imagen that u could buy lets say butter straight from the bakery but earning a clear and worth while profit needs to be possable while at the same time payback the money from buying the buildings. Buying all of this at the start or even after just a few hours is ofc not supposed to be done with legit earned money. But in the end when a player do have all of them for the chain a worth while profit still needs to be there or no1 apart from youtubers are ever gonna use them.

  2. The fact that Global Company is not needed any more I think is a plus. I cannot begin to imagine what modders will come up with in terms of new productions. But even as it is now, there is plenty to keep a player occupied. I must admit I wasn't really sold on the game but I am getting more excited every day after seeing all this. Thank you FK. Looking forward to your FS22 videos

  3. Good explaining and very comprehensive… great work. Hey I probably need to start calling you Director. Anyway like always noteworthy video. LoL

  4. This is just what the base game needed! Just cutting trees and selling crops gets boring fast. Better goals to work towards is a great step for this sim!

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