HUGE NEWS!!! PLATINUM EXPANSION & EDITION IS COMING!! FS22 Farming Simulator 22 | INFO SHARING PS5. GIANTS Software. Let’s take a look at some new information and visuals from the blog post 12th July 2022. When is the pack being released? What equipment are we getting? What is the new game feature? Take a look with me… MrSealyp.

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  1. If I do not own the base game yet but pre order the platinum expansion, will I be able to play the game before platinum expansion releases in november?

  2. That’s awesome to finally get an Idaho Pacific Northwest map and the expansion that is going to be one awesome that along with all those new equipment.

  3. I hope to see a traditional seasons mod. I miss the days of hoping for rain to get good soil moisture while also waiting for dry harvesting conditions. Or trying to make hay before the weather turns bad. It all made for a perfect challenge where every year felt different from the last.

  4. The sad part is I enjoy watching your reviews more than I like playing the game. FS22 is so boring! I haven’t played in months but I still watch your reviews and game play. Lol

  5. I do like that you can do something with your stuff……it does really ad a big demension to the game…….to me the logging is something different to do when waiting for crops. I would still love to see the gold processor and quarry as placeable…and a self loading log trailer

  6. Exciting news, I literally called this almost exactly in chat during the Farm Sim League this past weekend too! As much as I'm not a huge fan of forestry, I do think this will be a really a really interesting expansion and more importantly open up more avenues for modders to use!

  7. Contrary to the majority of the comments so far on this I’m actually looking forward to this! Logging and building a boat? If it’s half as good as Alien Jim’s FS 19 spectacles island map it will be great fun. Nice video!

  8. can't wait for this I really enjoy the logging when I'm waiting for crops to grow or clearing areas to build my farms .
    keep up the great work Mrsealyp I always look forward to your videos

  9. Personally I'd like to see us get a retro style dlc. Small old equipment, more focus on smaller maps built for old equipment. I know there was a bunch of stuff available on fs19, and it was nice, but it would be very cool to see giants give us small scale equipment.

    I imagine it could be like this
    You have a small plot of land, you will need to buy old equipment like wheel barrows, rototillers, hoes, ect and cultivate your small garden with tomato/potato/lettuce/carrots that can be sold at small farmers market stands, so you keep your production line aspect. Cool old equipment like the Ferguson tractors, graham Paige b1-6 rototiller for example fit in nicely. I know you PC players may already have stuff like this but an official mini dlc would be really fun!

  10. I'm actually looking forward to see what new kit volvo bring to the game, can't wait for someone to mod in a volvo fh16 heavy hauler that will be superb to have especially when you're on an English map too you'll have a choice of MAN or volvo then which will be cool!

  11. Great to see more new brands coming to the game. Thanks for the update as always MrSealyP ?… Is it just me or do the logs in the picture of the Volvo look ALOT thicker than what we usually have? As you would say MrSealyP chonky boys ?


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