NEW TRACTOR DRIBBLING SLURRY | Farming Simulator 22 – Haut-Beyleron | Episode 80


Welcome back to my first Farming Simulator 22 let’s play on Haut-Beyleron

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Massey Ferguson 8700

Music by Epidemic Sound



  1. interesting, how Daggerwin considers the worker expenses and then always puts twice as much silage than hay into the mixture, while hay is about 1/3 of the silage price, this is a lot more money lost than what the workers ever make

  2. I live in Türkiye so all the tractors around here is either John Deere or Massey Ferguson. After JD started to apply Apple no 3rd party service or repairs policies all the John Deere's left are old ones survived before the company policies changes. I binge watching your videos for good 2-3 weeks now and just started to getting slowly disappointed to see you go through 3 to 4 Massey Fergusons every serries and not spread all the different brands more in the game. That is the only thing displeased me from hours of content I watched. Love the everything you do otherwise. Thanks for the entertainment and being the most efficient anti-depressant I had ☺️?

  3. The massey fogesun was a complete waste of money and it rlly wasnt an upgrade as the john deere can be upgraded with better stats. Also please clean and service ur tractors more frequently

  4. You lose 65-70% of your ammonia nitrate when you use splash plate and down to 35% with a dribble bar
    Best method is direct injection least losses at about 20%

  5. Don't forget you can do a double application on slurry in 1 pass in the setting of slurry spreaders and get double fertilized status on field just going round once. Nice to see you doing some slurry was great ty DW 🙂

  6. So you were rich and could've upgraded the olive without cheating but yeah.. you decided to buy a tractor that adds absolutely nothing to the farm + cheating to buy olives. Just great ahah 0 sense

  7. Not trying to teach you how to suck eggs but front weights are not just to hold the front of the tractor down they also improve traction on the front wheels so you'll find your tractors will have a easier time pulling implements up hills and may also be able to pull faster on the flat, same goes for wheel weights!

  8. Hey, Mr. Daggerwin. Great vids. I really enjoy your content.
    To get the silage from your pit, perhaps try the conveyor belt – particularly the Lizard S-710. It has a large "pickup" area and you can position your bucket directly under the output for loading. This way you won't have to terrain edit (hopefully). Thanks.

  9. Haven't played this for two weeks now because my new DELL screening has just died !!!¡ £315.00 and I'm on phone to get help for one hour get through then the cut me off and won't even call me back !!!!!!! Don't buy DELL

  10. Maybe behind to manure pit, you could make it concrete and make a small road at the side of it to put all of the trailers for the truck there, also loving the videos,

  11. I’m sad to see the Deere go, but I’m not surprised. The thing that annoys me a little bit, is that you previously said that you don’t like to take out loans. Now you bought a tractor that you didn’t really need and taken out a loan to fund a piece of it, since you had the Deere which is capable of doing the work you need, plus it could have upgraded (If you were after the hp). I think it would have been a better solution to keep it. Yes, the maintenance would have been higher on the Deere, but you could have invested them in to something better. I think it would have been better to put the money in to more factories or a new combine and if you’re going to extend the olives you will need a olive harvester as well.
    Otherwise I really do like this series, thanks for the good work!

  12. For anyone that is sad about Dagger selling the JD, remember that in this game when u have more than 40+ hours on a tractor it really starts being expensive. 8r had over 60 hours on it.

  13. Love the vids as always.but what has giants done because I have played FS since 17 and to me the slurry and the amount of cows that you get base game has been reduced in fs22 but thank God for mods to save the day.

  14. With slurry and manure you can activate double application rate, which takes care of all fertilizing on one go. It's in the F1 menu of spreader. A slurry extension silo is a good idea with a full barn of cows. The in-barn tank is really small and fills fast. I quite like MF 8S. It can do everything, I don't need a second tractor. Narrow tires, wheel weights, frontloader, over 300 HP to pull most things, small enough to fit most places. That and JCB Teletruck (avesome mod on Hub, check it out) can take care of everything except harvesting.

  15. Great series so far, although it could have been more refreshing for the viewers with the utilisation of different tractor brands like Deutz, New Holland and Claas to try them out in this first series instead of always picking the Massey Ferguson (despite knowing how much you like the MFs!). In addition, selling the older chickens in the smaller pen will increase egg production, same goes with selling the older sheep which brings in decent cash. IMO grape production should also be reconsidered unless you are going into cereal which will require further investment in a harvester and fields, the field with the vineyard would make a nice crop field for chicken food?

  16. After naming one of the small tractors "Olive", you should have named the other one "Popeye" and the big Massey "Brutus". Then you could have started growing spinach… ?

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