Buying New Equipment & Land – Crater Lake #9 Farming Simulator 19 Timelapse


FS19 Buying new equipment and land is the next part in the Crater Lake timelapse series. We start the day of taking logs to the sawmill to raise enough money to buy a new Cat tree harvester. We then put that to work clearing enough trees so we can buy a new area of land to work.

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Andrew Asche, Robson Oliveira, EarthHunt3r, DeAnn Harring, Stevie 4K Gaming, Brian Cook, LS Ricci, Jim Hope, Florian, Adritank, Dub Quatro, Christoffer Schmidt, Bruce Gianuzzi, D10_Dr4Go _, ArtyPunkz 95, ElfWolf King, Henning Jahn, AncientSalt, René Møller Madsen, MisterFister, Victor Karehana, Adam Christensen, Applestan, Bismarck, Ian C, Officialy2004inc

?Farming Simulator 19 Alpine Expansion DLC for PC & MAC Here:

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?Music used under license from Epidemic Sound
Get access to over 30,000 music tracks to use in your videos here:

Music by
▶ 1. 00:00 Daxten: Reach out to me (Instrumental)

▶ 2. 03:20 Velee: Let you win (Instrumental)

▶ 3. 06:14 Hallman: Turn this ship around (Instrumental)

▶ 4. 09:57 Blake Everett: Never walk alone (Tomas Skyldeberg remix)

▶ 5. 13:17 Daxten: About to explode (Instrumental)

▶ 6. 16:50 Tape Machines: Lucid dreams (gribbe remix instrumental)

For more Epidemic Sound music :

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  1. Hey sim love your work! Could you share your keybinds for the FDR equipment please? I know you use controller mostly and so do I but struggling to work out a decent setup for these machines ? thanks keep up the good work ☺️


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