TOP 10 WAYS TO GET MONEY FAST – Farming Simulator 22


These are 10 fast and easy ways to make and get money in Farming Simulator 22.

00:00 – Intro
0:38 – Sell Unused Equipment
2:47 – Take Out a Loan
4:16 – Fertilizing Contracts
5:20 – Harvest Contracts
6:32 – Silage Bales
8:35 – OmaTana Productions
10:07 – Field Flipping
11:01 – Green Houses
12:20 – Passive Income Sources
14:00 – Cheat Money In!
14:53 – Outro

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  1. With the cattle feed lot (1000 head) you can set slurry fertilizer plant next to it and you set to sell and make alot of cash without doing nothing. I had 3 plants and also a bottled milk plant and a dairy running from 1 feed lot.

  2. another tip, if you want to make money in forestry you could start broke (or close too) and lease the equipment id suggest saving to buy it asap though since it cost around 10k-20k upfront to lease the expensive equipment daily youll probably spend around 10k for a cutter and a log loader per day unless you hire workers for hauling. if all you do is harvest wood to start slow the time down, increase days per month max.. you profit more per month itll effect the numbers you see. on 4 days a month i think i averaged around 400k and spent like 80k on leased equipment then i baught a loader for equipment and suddenly leasing was around 40k

  3. Start middle mode you get 1.5 million start monney set everything to easy boom you can start good and where you want just buy a field and a house look what's on the field and start with that what you have or lease the machines and cut and plant whatever you want

  4. Works on any map with no mods required:
    Best way to make easy money is to be a solar farmer and have small piece of land with a sleep point on it. Start a new game, sell everything else but a piece of land and your house, then take out as much loan money as you can and place as many Large Solar Collectors as possible with your starting funds. Sleep the months away and keep placing new Solar Collectors as you have the money for them. Once you have 18-20 Solar Collectors placed you should pay off your loan. When your loan is paid off go back to placing Solar Collectors until you have 90-100 total.
    This will take you about 1-1.5 hours to setup and net you around $250k/month in winter months and up to $600k/month during summer for the rest of the game.

  5. I have not seen anyone say this, but I get multiple contracts that need the same equipment. Rent the equipment on one of the contracts then do as much as I can before I turn in that contract with equipment attached

  6. You forgot the chickens ! I think that the fastest and cheapest way in term of spending and earning money are chickens. They cost near to noting to upkeep and eggs sells for a lot of money !

  7. Ok I have placed three government signs… yes I know taking advantage but I’m in a challenge with my son lol. I placed in a different location but nothing twice just placed in the same spot and still no 8.4 million. Slept right after placing. I’m on ps5????

  8. They really cut back the contracts from 19 and I used to make a fertilizer route with the Kuhn seeder on front and a CVT Medium tractor with the fert spreader on the back and make bank. In my real lawn business I'm really careful spending… on this game Yolo… you borrow big, lease big, and return everything including land.

    Here's the way you make money. In real life, if someone gives you incredibly cheap interest, you borrow all you can. This game's borrow rate is stupid low.

    Max out the loan every day. buy the land of ANYTHING of the crops needing harvested, make the game real time when it's beet and potato season. Harvest and store in the trains .

    LEASE EVERYTHING, BUY LAND. there's no penalty for selling and purchasing land. If there's chaff and you can row it, like wheat and oats. Make a huge pile of it with a forage wagon, set it on the land that's your "home". Wait to sell it at in the winter. After you've finished harvesting and have done the last possible thing, sell it.

    Do contracts that have a huge tractor and don't ever collect. You'll end up owning the tractors and they won't need repairs. It's a glitch.

    I can see you owning a 3500 series truck, the Man truck, 3 tractors, 1 at least 300 hp, and a mid sized CVT with a front end loader. But at the end of the day, the math works out of you play slowly day to day, by just leasing everything. And when you do potatoes and beats rent the dedicated machines, even 2 of them if you have to and return at the end of the day.

    Before midnight, sell all the land and return your implements, then return all the money to the bank.

    Get to cattle and have greenhouses. Greenhouses are cheap and provide Winter income.

    Also, baling silage is the easiest overall imo. Grass regrows itself. For silage you don't have to tedder. do the round baler that does the 150 ml silage bales. Rent the trailer that picks them up. Mow with the pull behind or the expensive Krone that rows the grass clippings. It's really a 3 step process. Mow, bale, pick up silage bales and wait until December to sell them. The bunker process seems bunk to make silage. This is easy, and when you go cows, you can make a batch of the small silage bales and throw one in most the TMR mixers and it's a good start to your mixing process.

  9. Thanks for these tips. I've been playing Elm Creek and trying to get money off of contracts. For some reason, the game will only give me harvest contracts for small and medium size fields. It never gives me the harvest contracts for the 3 or 4 biggest fields on the map. Is this by design? Or will I get the biggest fields if I just wait long enough?

  10. Personally I only use the money cheat stuff when I'm setting up some kind of challenge for myself. Usually I'll use it to cheat most of my money away, because it'll be a survival challenge.

  11. I buy fields that are ready to harvest and take the crops and sell the field back. Do it for a bit till I have a good amount of equipment and start building my farm. Then keep enough cash on hand to buy fields for crops while building my empire.

  12. The first tip is great, although there is a weird bug with it…at least with the current build of the game where upon loading the game again the weird holes it leaves seem to be stuck where they are.

  13. i used a couple of mods like tractors that are abit older and slower but also abit cheaper to buy. same as the harvester, i searched for the cheapest machinery mods too, still legit finance in game aswell

  14. I just bought a field because location I need for potato and was ready to harvest, so I harvested the sorghum that was on it,, Jesus trailer load sold for $75,000 with a $-2015 penalty (just bought it at harvest at start of game) so no soil remediation. On Fox farm so have about 12(ish) loads to go.

  15. Ik this comment is long sorry but it’s worth it for fun. It’s good but will update soon after winter sale. But I can get 1.5 million pounds loan after getting all haut byleron collectibles then as I get more money from pay sail after harvest on 26 the largest freight and bailing and flipping it. I used all money to get this whole list; 3 fields, a silo, residential cabin as sleep point/house, consumable silo, fuel tank, liquid fert store, repair tool box, combine with hi capacity and a big grain heading that it can tow. And then large tractor, medium tractor, couple trailers, basic grain attachments, bailing tools and fertilisers for lime, solid or liquid


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