?LIVE! AUTUMN FIELD WORK!! UMRV Multiplayer Farming Simulator 22 [FS22] Live stream


FS22 LIVE! Buying two new fields?!!!! on UMRV (Upper Mississippi River Valley) map on Farming Simulator 22 with @Stevie4KGaming @BigTFarmer @PeterDoesFarming Storm & Klatreelg.

We’ll be picking up from where we left the last stream and doing more work on our fields and taking on contracts for neighbouring farmers to earn money so we can expand the farm.

You can download the map here:

Thank you to my channel partner @nitrado for providing the server we use.
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? Get the Vermeer DLC for Farming Simulator 22 here:

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? Subscribe for more FS22 Let’s play videos:@SimFarmerPlusSF

?Subscribe to my other channel for FS22 Timelapse videos: @SimFarmer

Stevie’s channel for the timelapse videos of this livestream:

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