Farming Simulator 19 Alpine DLC pt. 26 Sowing my Oats !


Let’s get the new field planted with oats on the Alpine dlc map for FS 19

Map link to Pacific Inlet
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  1. All the grass meadows on this map are real fields. Pull up your menu and look at the plow/fertilizer field state and you will see. Because you can actually lime and fertilize all the meadows on this map.

  2. There is nothing wrong with your cultivator seeder. That field your working is actually a small part of the whole field you could simply plow limited to field, cultivate and seed . Notice the area around the seeded area is darker do to the fertilizer applied. Outside field boundry will do nothing.When you lime the field you are working it will not limit to the plowed ground there because it is part inside the bigger field as a whole. That is why if you wanted to write Species 7 in the grass you could , no need to enable create field because it is already there. As long as there is a seeded boundry the workers should generally stay within the lined area. Hope this helps. As always looking forward to the next episode.

  3. I think because the ground is just grassland and not an actual grass field, any plough, cultivator or seed/cultivator would replace the grass. The allow create field setting would not be needed (I don't think).


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